Trends Composition and Amount of Municipal Solid Waste in Sam Phrao Sub-district, Udon Thani Province

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Winai Meesang


This research aims to study the trends composition and amount of municipal solid waste in Sam Phrao sub-district, Udon Thani province by study solid waste every day at Sam Phrao sub-district. We found the solid waste at 6,991 kg/day so we can average daily solid waste around 0.38 kg/person by using all population at Sam Phrao sub-district total 17,417 people, the solid waste amount 122 kg/cubic meters. Forecast the population for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years increasing 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% respectively. The solid waste and organic waste amount 40%, general waste amount 33% and recyclable waste amount 27. The statistical analysis we found the solid waste density volume weight (kg) in the garbage tank volume (Gl) by using groups (villages). We found the waste amounts are significant at the level 0.05. The comparison of solid waste amount which classified by waste type, we found the organic waste, general waste and recyclable waste are not significant (p < 0.05). The comparison of the solid waste for group A which classified by waste type we found significant at the level 0.05. The comparison of the solid waste for group B which classified by waste type we found significant at the level 0.05 and The comparison of the solid waste for group C which classified by waste type we found general waste and organic waste are not significant (p < 0.05).

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