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พ.ต.ท.พรชัย กิตติชญาน์ธร
ดร.สุพรรณี ไชยอําพร


The research study aims at investigating the existing Muslim-based perspectives and ways to cope with the drug problems, which are considered very critical in Thailand. Concepts and theories on community justice were employed and description on Muslim contexts was given. As a qualitative study, in-depth interviews and document analysis were conducted, with emphasis on descriptive findings. 

The findings posit that the process of community justice contributed to drug problems in four aspects, including (1) prevention and control on crimes and wrongdoings, (2) conflict management through reconciliation, (3) remedy and reinforcement, and (4) return of the culprits to the community. Also, the Muslim justice process was found to have proper elements contributing to the following areas: (1) community consensus called “Hukum Pakat,” (2) community conflict prevention called “Hibada,” (3) community reconciliation justice called “ Musawah,” (4) community remedy and rehabilitation for the culprits known as “Tawbah,” and (5) community return of decent citizens, as the completion stage of the community justice. 

The so-called Thoraneekum Community (pseudonym) was reported to adopt and apply the Muslim-based community justice process so successfully and satisfactorily that it was entitled a drug-free community or “white community” by the Thai Metropolitan Police Division 3. Thus, the Muslim-based community justice has played a vital role in coping with drug problems.

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