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The purposes of this research were 1) To study the level of family relationship, locus of control and personality of students in RajaMangala University of Technology SuvarnaBhumi. 2) To study the level of adversity quotient of students and 3) To analysis the factors related to adversity quotient of students.
The sample groups consisted of 368 students of RMUTSB. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that:
- 1. Students have the family relationship in “family tie, love and unity” and “family communica tion” at the high level, for "family conict” at the moderate level. Students have the locus of control in "internal locus of control” at the high level, “external locus of control” at the moderate level and Students have the personality in “agreeableness”, “consciousness”, and “openness” at the high level, and “extra version” and “neuroticism” at the moderate level.
- 2. Students have the adversity quotient over all and individual aspects at the high level. Sort by endurance dimension, origin and ownership dimension, control dimension and reach dimension.
3. “family tie, love and unity” , “internal locus of control” , “external locus of control”, “openness personality”, “agreeableness personality” and “consciousness personality” related to adversity quotient of students at statistical signicant level of 0.01 and six variables could explained at 60.3 percents.
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