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Prapim Attanandana
Worarat Pathumcharoenwattana
Sombat Suwanpitak


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the state, problems, and needs for a learning space for enhancing the self-development of non-formal and informal teachers, 2. to present the scenario of a learning space for enhancing the self-development of non-formal and informal teachers, and 3. to study the possibility of the scenario of a learning space for enhancing the self-development of non-formal and informal teachers.

A quantitative study was conducted with 2,145 non-formal and informal teachers by using a questionnaire. The qualitative part was done by in-depth interview with 18 specialists and experts then present the scenario to 18 non-formal and informal teachers and experts. The study’s findings showed that 1) the six characteristics of a learning space, such as the Objective, IT Support, Sense of Ownership, Learning activities  2) the 7 processes of developing, such as Defining the Work Team, Assessment of the Original Space, Resource Allocation and 3) the 11 factors for supporting, such as Effective Design, Related Policies, Budget.

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Research Articles


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