Development of Semester Beginning and Ending Policy of the Ministry of Education in Thai Context

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Pornlert Voraseeha
Pranod Nantiyakul


The objectives of this study were (i) to explore problems of semester beginning and ending the policy of the Ministry of Education in accordance with Thai context, and (ii) to provide the development guidelines of semester beginning and ending policy in accordance with Thai context. The methodology of this research was qualitative research using a semi-structured in-depth interview form as a research tool of data collection from 20 experts or key informants. The data collection by interview was conducted from April to May 2015. 

Findings of this research indicated that the major problem of semester beginning and ending the policy of the Ministry of Education was the Council of University Presidents of Thailand's placing no importance on opening the opportunity for people affected from the policy to participate in policy formulation widely, such as no public hearing from people sector but from a small group of academician. In order to improve the policy, the Ministry of Education should place importance on the democratic principle supporting people's participation widely and continuously. In the meantime, the Ministry of Education should cooperate with the related agencies of public and private sectors, citizens, and non-government organizations to exercise open system evaluation on the policy formulation or policy-making decision on the semester beginning and ending of the Council of University Presidents of Thailand. Moreover, the Ministry of Education should establish the development model of semester beginning and ending policy comprising of people participation, environmental analysis, and formulation policy concept. The model finally is appropriately applied as guidelines, performance procedures, and/or key performance indicators (KPIs) to support the semester beginning and ending policy formulation of the Ministry of Education in Thailand.

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