The Components and Development of Information Technology Competencies of Primary School Teachers in Education Expansion Schools under Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Namphueng Khachenthon
Niracharapa Tongdhamachart


no purpose of this research was to study the level of, components of, and guidelines for the development of information technology competencies of primary school teachers in education expansion schools under Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area Office 1 in Sa Kaeo province. The research sample for a quantitative study consisted of 400 primary school teachers working during the 2017 academic year in education expansion schools under Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area Office 1 in Sa Kaeo province. The research informants for the qualitative study were five experts and 10 stakeholders. The employed research instruments were a 5-scale rating questionnaire containing 25 items with a total reliability coefficient of 958, an in-depth interview form, and a form containing guidelines for focus group discussion. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, second-order confirmatory factor analysis techniques, and content analysis. Research findings showed that the information technology competencies of the teachers were at a moderate level (rating mean = 2.82). The model of components of information technology 

competencies of the teachers conformed to empirical data (Chi-square = 439.66, df = 249, p-value = .000, Chi-Square di = 1.76; RMSEA = 047; RMR = 040; SRAME = .038; CFl= 99; GFI = 91; AGFI = 0; CN = 234.44). The model was composed of five main components, namely, data integration, data processing, creating information, data access, and data evaluation. As for guidelines for the development of information technology competencies of the teachers, there were three strategies as follows: (1) the strategy for the development of the basic structure of information technology at the school level; (2) the strategy for the development of the environment and learning community on information technology in instructional management in school; and (3) the strategy for monitoring and evaluation of information technology competencies by Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area Office 1 in Sa Kaeo province. 

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