Influences of Strategic Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Image King Power International Company Limited

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Kerati Suebsait
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the structural relationship between Strategic Leadership Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image of King Power International Company Limited 2) to study direct and indirect effects of Strategic Leadership on Corporate image of King Power International Company Limited 3) to study direct effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate image of King Power International Company Limited. The sample was employees of King Power International Company Limited. 4) to study the direct effect of Strategic Leadership on Corporate Social Responsibility of King Power International Company Limited. Simple random sampling was applied, and the complete sample size was 400. 

The results found that the correlation coefficient among observable variables was 0.544-0.797 and had a significant level at every variable. From structural equation modeling found that strategic leadership had an influence on corporate social responsibility with significantly and the variance predicted strategic leadership with 74.10 percent. Moreover, strategic leadership and corporate social responsibility had an influence on the corporate image significantly, and finally, strategic leadership had an indirect effect via corporate social responsibility with significantly and variance predicted by strategic leadership and corporate social responsibility at 86.4 percent.

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