he Superior Visionary Leadership and the Organizational Management of Private Higher Education Institutions in the 21st Century

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Krisdaporn Rujithamrongkul


objectives of this research were to study the superior visionary leadership management factors, the influence of the superior visionary leadership on organizational management to achieve goals and the types of business management with the superior visionary leadership in the 21st century. The respondents are 1,380 people, including senator and consultant of the committees on education and sport, vice presidents, teachers, and other participants, were guaranteed by reliability Cronbach's alpha (0.95). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (ratio, means, and standard deviation) and stepwise multiple regression analysis. 

The research results have indicated that the factors of the superior visionary leadership used to manage organizations and its subordinate of Private Higher Education Institutions. In order to achieve the highest and effective goals consist of sufficiency economy, ethics and moral, superior visionary competency, visionary behavior, and visionary culture, respectively. In addition, the superior visionary leadership had a statistically significant positive effect on organizational effectiveness up to 64 % (R = 0.64, sig .000), which compose of the sufficiency economy and superior visionary competency. Finally, The superior visionary leadership model in the 21st Century is managing superior visionary leadership in the digital era, using technology for searching for information, which completely different from the previous era. More specifically, the leader at all levels and other relevant people should develop their attributes and behaviors of leadership to be consistent with the context of the organization and its sub-entities. To define the expected goals of the 21st Century mission as motivation in collaboration to successful, by using the balance of sufficiency economy principle, superior visionary competency, and other leading factors. 

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