The Relationship between Service Quality, Brand Awareness and Price Satisfaction of Kerry Express company limited Parcel Service in Bangkok Metropolitan.

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Punnada Jitrakyat
Chuenjit Changchenkit


This study aims to analysis  1)Study Service quality Kerry Express of parcel service 2)Study Brand awareness Kerry Express parcel service in Bangkok Metropolitan 3)Study Price satisfaction  Kerry Express Parcel Service in Bangkok Metropolitan 4)Study The relationship between Service quality and price satisfaction of the Kerry Express parcel service in Bangkok Metropolitan 5)Study The relationship between Brand awareness and price satisfaction Kerry Express parcel service in Bangkok Metropolitan. The data collected from 400 samples by questionnaire distribution. Statistics value applied for data analysis e.g. frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis for hypothesis testing.

The results found that most of the samples were female, ages between 20-30 years old. Bachelor's degree in education. Occupation as a business owner / independent occupation monthly income 25,001 - 35,000 baht. Expecting about service quality aspects 5 overall were at a high level. Brand awareness both were High level. The price satisfaction aspects 6 overall were at a high level. The hypothesis testing found Service quality and brand awareness found had related in the positive direction with price satisfaction at the significance level of 0.05. Service quality and Brand awareness were affecting price satisfaction.

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