Marketing Mix Influencing toward Perception on Service Quality of Domestic Low Cost Airlines

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Supa Jirawattananon


  The purpose of this study is to investigate marketing mix influencing toward perception on service quality of domestic low-cost airlines. Sampling groups are composed of 600 samples of passengers at Donmuang airport in Bangkok.  Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed the most of the passengers were male between 21-30 years old single having a bachelor's degree employing a company with an income between 20,001-30,000 baht.  According to the most level of sampling groups relating to the marketing mix (x=3.52) perception (x=3.54) and the findings reveal that the factors of the marketing mix are significantly (P<0.05) directly and indirectly (Path Coefficient = DE=0.360*+IE=0.208*)   influencing toward perception on service quality of domestic low-cost airlines. Perception is significantly (P<0.05) directly (Path Coefficient) = DE=0.676*) service quality of domestic low-cost airlines.  

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กุลวรรณ อาจกล้า. ๒๕๕๘. ปัจจัยเชิงสาเหตุที่มีผลต่อความภักดีของลูกค้าสายการบินต้นทุนต่ำ ณ ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติดอนเมือง. วารสารสถาบันวิชาการป้องกันประเทศ ปีที่ ๖ ฉบับที่ ๔ กันยายน-ธันวาคม หน้า ๑๐๙-๑๑๖.

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