A Study of Potential Composition of Cultural Tourism Resources in Chanthaburi Province

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Wijitra Boonlae
Sari Wongmonta
Chawalee Na Thalang
Kannapa Pongponrat


A Study of Potential Composition of Cultural Tourism Resources in Chanthaburi Province The results of the research study was conducted on the study of the potential components of tourism resources cultural tourism of Chanthaburi Province which is qualitative research intended to 1) To study the context and explore cultural tourism resources of Chanthaburi Province 2) To study the cultural tourism potential of Chanthaburi Province. The tools were used to collect data in in-depth interviews. The key informants in the in-depth interviews consisted of representatives from government agencies, private sectors, communities, and academics area frame survey to get the most truthful information. The results of the research were as follows 1) Cultural tourism of Chanthaburi Province is a secondary city tourist attraction with high potential. Due to the full range of local ways and natural resources unique tourist attraction image of tourist attraction and personality, attraction the growth rate is like that of the main city, there are all kinds of attractions. There is both historical and cultural tourism, including historical sites, architecture, culture, traditions that have been passed down for a long time. 2) It was found that cultural tourism in Chanthaburi has enough potential to accommodate tourists. But should be further developed in the potential of access to tourist attractions (Accessibility) and activities (Activities), which of these things. Are all things It is important to the development of cultural tourism in Chanthaburi province.

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