Approaches for Development of Cultural Tourism in Nakonsrithammarat Province

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Apichat Wichaikun
Seri Wongmonta



            The objectives of this research are 1). To study the potential of Nakhonsrithammarat Province in the development of cultural tourism 2). Using qualitative research methods It's an in-depth interview. There were 30 key informants from the government, private sector, people and academics in Nakhonsrithammarat Province.

 The results of the study found that 1) Nakhonsrithammarat Province has the potential to develop cultural tourism based on identity and Thai way of life. 2) An integrated and sustainable approach to cultural tourism development Nakhonsrithammarat Province found that there was a need for the development of individuals or personnel with volunteer spirit in community tourism development. There should be a promotion from government agencies, namely the provincial administrative organization, sub-district, or related agencies with sufficient budget support. For budget allocation to purchase equipment, materials, objects that communicate knowledge and language to tourists and able to understand and recognize the good culture of Nakhonsrithammarat Province Management Nakhonsrithammarat Province is a province that is the center of the southern region. A big city it should be organized to exchange, co-ordinate and provide information to each other. Provide opportunities for people in the community to play a role in the development and management of tourism in the area.


Keywords: Cultural tourism, Tourism development,  Nakhonsrithammarat Province

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