Marketing management to promote agricultural tourism in Ratchaburi province

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Chonticha Pansawang
Sari Wongmonta
Chawalee Na Thalang
Kannapa Pongponrat


The major objectives of this study were to investigate the attraction components and marketing mix and propose the guidelines for marketing management to promote agricultural tourism in Ratchaburi province. The methods of collecting data were the focus group and in-depth interviews from 12 all stakeholders (i.e., governors, agritourism entrepreneurs, and academic scholars) managing agricultural tourism in Ratchaburi province. Keeping formal writing and electronic records were used to collect data. Data collected between February and March 2020 were analyzed by using content analysis. Assessing the opinions from all stakeholders, the results indicated that the attraction, activities, and ancillary services were considered as the most important factors of attraction components for marketing management. Furthermore, the significant components of the marketing mix for promoting agricultural tourism in Ratchaburi province comprise product, place, and promotion. The recommendations for promoting agricultural tourism concern, 1) creating cooperative networks with private and public organizations as well as local communities, 2) defining the local identities of attraction and activity, and 3) enhancing sustainable agritourism in Ratchaburi province.

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