Influences of Self-Efficacy and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Commitment of Officers at the Sixth Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion

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Nattapong Yingruxpund
Chairirk Keawpromman


The objectives of this study were to study the differences of personal factors affecting self-efficacy, quality of work-life, and organizational commitment and to study influences of self-efficacy and quality of work-life on organizational commitment of officers at the 6th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion. Research participants were 248 military officers of the 6th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion. The research instruments used were questionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test, and multiple regression analysis. The research results found the differences of personal factors such as ranks, and marital status affected self-efficacy, quality of work-life, and organizational commitment of officers at the 6th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion with a statistical significance level at 0.05. Self-efficacy such as performance accomplishment, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal affected the organizational commitment of officers at the 6th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion with a statistical significance level at 0.05. In addition, quality of work-life such as adequate and fair compensation, development of human capacities, constitutionalism, total living space, and organizational pride affected the organizational commitment of officers at the 6th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion with a statistical significance level at 0.05.

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