Characteristics of school administrators according to the views of teachers in basic education institutions

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Sanan Thongpan
Komol Prachkatonyou


This research Article to study the desirable characteristics of the school administrators according to their point of view. Basic education teachers The City Network 1, under the Chainat Educational Service Area Office, District 1, used the study by document analysis. And survey research the sample group used in this research was teachers in basic education institutions under Chainat Educational Service Area Office 1, specifying sample size by using the tables of Crazy and Morgan. The sample group was 135 people. Data analysis And presented in the form Descriptive statistics The research found that Desirable characteristics of the school administrators according to their views Basic education teachers Network of City 1, under the Office of Educational Service Area, Chai Nat Province, District 1, 4 areas, found that knowledge skills Administrative ability In case of overall overview, it was found that the characteristics of the school administrators were at a high level. When considering each item, it was found that the characteristics were at a high level. In all aspects, with the side having the highest satisfaction average Is the skill and knowledge of management, followed by leadership Human Relations and moral and ethical aspects This is because All school administrators are required to pass the training course for higher education administrators from the development institute. Management prior to taking the position of a school administrator and the current management qualifications must have the qualifications Administration education Successful school manager feature suggestions It was found that the characteristics of the school manager were divided into 2 types: 1) professional characteristics. Is the ability to connect and get along well with others 2) Personal features are Have judgment and justice Be honest and loyal Extensive knowledge

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