Participatory Marketing Communication Innovation of Organic Durian

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Nathanan Wiriyawit


The promotion of organic farming not only has to encourage farmers to turn to organic farming but also need to promote marketing together, for farmers to ensure that organic production can be profitable for them. All the time ago, the farmers focus on the production process but lack the marketing experience. So, the objective of the research to create the participatory marketing communication innovation of organic durian of Ban Jumrung community, Klaeng District, Rayong Province, had come up to respond to the problem. The concept of Omni-Channel Marketing (Kotler, Kartajaya, & Setiawan, 2017) was applied to create marketing communication innovation of organic durian that appropriate to community potential and capital. This research was participatory action research. The population was 9 organic durian farmers (9 farms). The researchers were divided into 2 groups: 1) Community researchers were included of community leaders, farmers, and agriculture academics of Klaeng District, Rayong Province. 2) Academic researchers were included, students and teachers. The research instruments were survey, observation, interview, and group meeting. The research conclusion showed that creating marketing communication innovation for organic durian consisted of 4 important steps as follows: 1) Preparation 2) Creating marketing communication innovation of organic durian 3) Trial of marketing communication innovation of organic durian and 4) Change evaluation. The participatory communication had provided communications guidelines that were appropriated to community potential and capital. The result was that farmers gain knowledge, attitude, and understand organic market behavior. It leads to development, learning, and further development in the future.

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