Prediction Intention to Repurchase with Perceived Value and Satisfaction on “Kowlam” as Food Gift at Nongmon marketplace, Chonburi province

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Vuttichat Soonthonsmai


The objectives of the study are to investigate the perceived value and consumers’ satisfaction on the marketing mix of the Kowlam, analyze the relationship among of perceived value and their satisfaction with repurchase intention, and predict repurchase intention with perceived value and consumers’ satisfaction on marketing mix. Survey research was conducted. 400 customers were stratified and systematic randomly collected the data with the high-quality questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were calculated by mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics through Multiple Regression analyses were performed for testing the established hypotheses with a .05 level of statistical significance.  The findings showed that the respondents perceived the total consumer values more than the total consumer costs. They were satisfied mostly with the marketing mix factors of product, price, and promotion at a high level.  Also, their perceived value and satisfaction on price have a relationship with the intention to repurchase Kollam. Consequently, their perceived value and satisfaction on price can predict and explain intention to repurchase “Kowlam” accounted for 39.4 percent.

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