Management Factors Affecting the Corporate Social Responsibility

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Prung Boonpadung
Paiboon Jeampong
Suramon Thaikasame


This Research topic of "Management Factors Affecting the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" aims to examine the current situation of management factors including (1) socially responsible leader, (2) strategic communication, and (3) employee involvement and corporate social responsibility. The research methodology includes the study of documents and 19 in-depth interviews of executives and employees of C. I. Group Public Company Limited. Major research results found that leader C. I. Group Public Company Limited displays the importance of CRS in the company's value and vision. This CRS policy is set via internal communications and involvement of employees resulting in creating the same value to employees. The success of the implementation of such policy can be gauged from responsibility in economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic. This model can be used by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand as well as other business sectors to develop their policy and operating manual for CSR policy implementation.

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