The Development of Thai Ladies's Professional Golf in Thailand

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Anon Mueanthup
Voradej Chandarasorn


In this research, “The Development of Thai Lady Professional Golfer" focuses on the following objectives 1) to study the development trends toward building success for Thai lady professional golfers, 2) to analyze factors leading to the success of Thai lady professional golfers, and 3) to distinguish the level of success between different Thai lady professional golfers. The research will be carried out as a qualitative study using in-depth interviews and both participant and non-participant observation from 5 Thai lady professional golfers, who will be treated as the main sources of research information as well as having 30 relevant persons as additional information providers to ensure the reliability of the data collection. Research instruments used in data collecting included the researcher, structured in-depth interview questions, a voice recorder, a notebook, and a camera. The study result showed that crucial factors that influence the development of success of Thai lady professional golfers are training, talent, communication, physical health, mentality, emotions, psychological counselor, coach/ advisor, sports science, private supports, and family support. The study also found that public support does not contribute to the success of professional golf players. There is no concrete policy from public sectors to support the development towards the success of Thai lady professional golfers. Instead, players' family support was the main lead to the success, which comes as the aspects of financial benefits and the gaining of reputation to the country; where public sectors/ country would advantage from the "civil state". Suggestions: Public sectors should realize the importance of building and developing the success of Thai professional golf players. 

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