Administration of Motor Insurance of the Insurance Commission Office according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy

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Napassanun Punnip
Wiruch Wiruchnipawan


Objectives of this study were to explore: (1) problems of administration of motor insurance of the Insurance Commission Office according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy; (2) development guidelines of administration of motor insurance of the Insurance Commission Office according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy; and (3) factors taking important parts in the success of development guidelines of administration of motor insurance of the Insurance Commission Office according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The methodology of this research was designed as mixed methods research using quantitative research as a principal measure and supported by qualitative research. The quantitative research was survey research collecting large field data with questionnaires. Total samples of 959 company employees from 4 insurance companies were drawn. Field data collection was operated from April 1, 2015, to September 1, 2015. Data analysis was presented in a contingency table with an analytical descriptive approach. For qualitative data, an in-depth interview of 9 experts with face to face interview along with structured in-depth interview form was also applied. The interviewed data was interpreted and analyzed and performed in the table with a description. Research results were: (1) the significant problem of administration of motor insurance was the Insurance Commission Office's inflexibility of dissemination of knowledge and confidence in motor insurance using to the public; (2) the development guidelines of administration of motor insurance was the Insurance Commission Office should increase the flexibility of disseminating knowledge and confidence in motor insurance using to the public, for example, disseminate less theoretical or academic information but present information of fact and realistic implementation; and (3) factors taking important parts in the success of development guidelines of administration of motor insurance of the Insurance Commission Office according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy were divided into internal and external factors. The internal factor was the Insurance Commission Office's motor insurance administration especially on the dissemination of knowledge and confidence in motor insurance using to the public by utilizing information technology and modern database of their own. The external factor was the Insurance Commission Office's motor insurance administration especially on the dissemination of knowledge and confidence in motor insurance using to the public by utilizing widely modern internal and external networking system.

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