Factors Influencing on Intention to Receive Medical Treatment in Thailand : A Case Study in The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

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ภัทรพร ทิมแดง
วุฒิ สุขเจริญ


This research's objectives were to analyze the direct and indirect relationship and the effect size between the confidence and behavioral intention of patients toward receiving medical treatment in Thailand. The research was survey research. The population was Myanmar living in Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and the unit sampling was 200 people. Analyzing data by using confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The findings were (1) The component factors influencing the confidence and behavioral intention toward receiving medical care were medical services consisted of medical specialist and proficiency of physician, medical technology consisted of high technology of medical appliances, medical treatment plan, and reputation of the hospital. the brand image consisted of the reputation of the hospital, service quality, and reputation of a physician. (2) The most influencing factors of Myanmar toward the confidence and behavioral intention to receiving medical care in Thailand were the reputation of the hospital, medical technology, and reputation of physician respectively

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