The Influence of Marketing Mix and Brand Equity on Purchasing Decision of UNIQLO Casual wear Through online Channel of Consumer in Thaland

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Itthipong Chalatharn
Pashatai Charutawephonnukoon


This research aimed to study the influence of demographic factors, marketing mix factors, and brand equity factors on purchasing decisions of Uniqlo casual wear through online channels among consumers in Thailand. Sublets in the sample were 385 persons who had purchased Uniqlo casual wear through online channels in Bangkok. Statistical analysis was conducted with descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistical tests employed included Independent Sample t-Test, One-Way ANOVA (F-Test), and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result of hypothesis tests revealed that (1) the demographic factors--age, occupation, and income, (2) the marketing mix factors--product, place, and promotion, and (3) the brand equity factors--brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, and brand loyalty influenced purchasing decisions of Uniqlo casual wears through online channels among consumers in Thailand. All of the hypothesis tests among the mentioned factors revealed statistical significant at <.05.   

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