Working Efficiency of staff in Security Division at Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd.

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Tanida Suppharangsan


Air transportation is the most important and popular hospitality industry that not only for passengers traveling but includes cargo as well. The operation of each flight must cooperate with many departments in the aviation industry that operates in a complex system. All operators must have the specific knowledge, skills, and expertise to ensure the safety of the operations of every flight. The objectives of this research were 1) To study the level of working efficiency of staff in the security division at Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. and 2) To Compare the working efficiency of staff in the security division at Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. Sample used 118 samples by using questionnaire as tools for data collection. The statistical data is processed by using a computer software program. The statistical methods used in data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), F– test (One -way ANOVA). The research results were found that 1.) The most of staff in the security division at Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. were male with age more than 40 years old, below bachelor’s degree, in the position of officer that has experienced 1 - 5 years which working at Don Mueang Air Traffic Control Center and got salary 15,001 – 20,000 baht per month. 2.) The most of working efficiency of staff in the security division at Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. were job responsibilities, speed of operation, and the least is just in time. The results of the study enable executives to use the information as a guideline for the development and improvement of human resource management processes and develop the potential of the staff of the security division to ensure a safe and smooth flight operation.

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