Diagnosis of Mathematical Deficiencies in Fractions of Prathom Sueksa Five Students at a School in Cluster 32, Prawet District Office, Bangkok Metropolis

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Kanwara Lakphet
Woranuch Yamsang
Nopporn Yamsang


In this thesis, the researcher diagnoses the mathematical deficiencies in fractions of Prathom Sueksa Five students in the academic year 2020 at a school in Cluster 32, Prawet District Office, Bangkok Metropolis in three aspects. These aspects were the interpretations of questions; the use of theorems, formulas, rules, definitions, and properties; and computations and operations. The sample population consisted of Prathom Sueksa Five students in the academic year 2020 at a school in Cluster 32, Prawet District Office, Bangkok Metropolis. The technique of probability sampling with the method of cluster sampling was employed. The sampled school had 115 students. The research instrument was a four-choice diagnostic test in mathematical deficiencies infractions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. percentage. Findings are as follows: The students exhibited mathematical deficiencies infractions in the aspect of computations and operations at the highest level (70.43 percent). It was found that the students under study exhibited deficiencies in making mixed numbers be improper fractions. The deficiency found was that the students used numerals of mixed numbers to write as fractions by adding an equal numerator and denominator without considering fractions of mixed numbers. Next in descending order were the interpretations of questions. The students misunderstood and made mistakes at 67.83 percent. It was found that the students exhibited deficiencies in solving the questions of fractions and mixed numbers. The students interpreted the meaning of a question wrongly in two types. They could not change a question sentence into a mathematical symbol sentence and they did not have the understanding of the interpretation of fractions. Next was the use of theorems, formulas, rules, definitions, and properties (66.96 percent). It was found that the students under study exhibited deficiencies in reciprocal fractions. They did not understand the basic concepts of reciprocal fractions.

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