The study of Factors affecting the engagement of the video game content viewer on YouTube websites.

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Pornchai Pongpipatpakdee
Thongchai Srivardhana


     This paper has two main purposes: to compare the needs of engagement levels among YouTube viewers based on different demographic variables and to study the influences of motivations that affect the engagement of YouTube viewers. The target participants of this research are the group of 400 viewers in Thailand who visit YouTube at least once per month. Using the Convenience Sampling method, respondents answer the questionnaires by themselves. The statistics used in this research are Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and Multiple Linear Regression to find which variables significantly affected the engagement of videogame contents viewer on YouTube.

The research found the following results; The differences in demographics (Gender, Age, Education, Occupation) did not significantly contribute to YouTube engagement. However, aspects of viewers' motivations including Information Giving, Self-Status Seeking, and Social Interaction contributed significantly to YouTube engagement. In the end, this paper suggests that YouTubers should focus on videogame database building, pay attention to viewers, and create an online community to increase the viewers’ satisfaction and engagement rate.


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