Factors Influencing the Decision of Consuming Clean Food of Y Generation in Bangkok Metropolitan

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sudaluk imwong
Chairirk Keawpromman


Clean eating has become a trend of the new generation. Because of the living environment, hardworking, environmental pollution can cause poor health. Even junk food also has negative health impacts. The purposes of this research are 1) to study the personal factors influencing the Decision of Consuming Clean Food 2) to study the Attitude factors influencing the Decision of Consuming Clean Food 3) to study marketing mix factors Influencing the Decision of Consuming Clean food. The sample was 403 Generation Y who used to consume clean food and were born between 1980 - 1997 in Bangkok. A research tool was the questionnaires. Also, the researcher used statistical analysis, which included Percentage, Standard Deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. The results showed that most of the sample group were women, with single status and bachelor's degree or equivalent, Moreover, Most of them are company employees with, monthly income of about 15,000 - 30,000 baht. The result of this research revealed that the highest score on attitude factors is knowledge and understanding. Sense component and behavioral components respectively, The highest score on the Marketing mix factor are distribution aspect, product, and promotion respectively. The highest score on decision-making factors is the decision-making process, post-consumer behavior, the assessment of options, the awareness of problems and needs, and the search for information respectively. The results of the hypothesis test revealed that respondents of demographic factors on the level of status, education, and monthly average income had significantly affected on decision making factor. Furthermore, the attitude factor in terms of cognitive component, the emotional component, and the behavioral component had significantly affected the decision-making process on consuming clean food The difference was statistically significant .05 Furthermore, the marketing mix factor on the level of product, distribution channel, and marketing promotion aspects had significantly affected on decision making on consuming clean food. The difference was statistically significant .05

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