Factors Influencing Decision Making on Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj Card Usage of Consumers in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Patchara Raisaeng
Chairirk Keawpromman


The purpose of this research, factors influencing decision making on Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj card usage of consumers in Bangkok metropolitan region, aimed to 1) to study the personal factors affecting the decision making Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj card usage. And
2) to investigate the marketing mix factors affecting the decision making Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj card usage. The study was conducted in a quantitative method using questionnaires as a tool to collect data from 400 consumers, who used Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj Card aged between 16-65 years old in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis at a statistically significant of 0.05 level. The findings were showed that respondents of demographic factors on age, level of education, occupation, and monthly average income had significantly influenced decision making Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj card usage. Furthermore, the marketing mix factors in terms of price, promotion, process, and physical had significantly influenced on decision making Be1st Smart TPN Rabbit Siriraj card usage.

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