The Influence of Online Media Exposure on Consumer’s Purchasing Decisions-Making Process for Cameras and Accessories

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Chatchaya Srijantrakool
Lt.Gen. Dr.Chairirk Keawpromman


The objective of this study was to 1) study the differences of personal factors 2) consumer’s online media behaviors and 3) selective exposure process that affects consumers’ purchasing decision-making process for cameras and accessories. The research instrument has used a questionnaire to which 420 samples. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of mean, percentage, frequency, and standard deviation. The inferential statistic included T-test, F-test, Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The research found the following results: Most respondents were male, aged between 21-30 years old, single status, bachelor's degree, working as a company employee, average monthly income was 15,001 - 30,000 baht, used online media during 20.01 - 00.00 hrs., frequency of using online media was every day, time to access the information more than 1 hour/time, using online media channel was Facebook. a device used to access online media was smartphones, the reason for using online media was because it is accessible to multiple sources and has a large amount of information, and the purpose of using online media to found information and features of the camera and accessories. It was found that there were differences of personal factor only aged, status domicile, and occupation that affected consumer’s purchasing decision-making process for cameras and accessories with a statistical significance at 0.05. Furthermore, there were the consumer’s online media behaviors only the frequency of using online media and the selective exposure process, including selective exposure or attention, selective perception or interpretation, and selection retention, that affected consumer’s purchasing decision-making process for cameras and accessories with a statistical significance at 0.05.

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