Factors of Success in Online Learning Management of Basic Education Teachers

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Promphak Bungbua


This research aimed to 1) study the factors affecting the management of online learning and 2) study the relationship between factors affecting the online learning management of school teachers under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The sample group used in the research was 400 teachers teaching basic education nationwide and selected a specific sample. The research instruments were questionnaires, collected by online questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and test the hypothesis on the relationship of the learning management model to the success factors in the learning management by Chi-square. The results showed that 1) Tools used in the learning management system to assign homework assignments and projects, communication with learners, lectures and learning activities, the addition of various sources of information to enhance knowledge, and learning assessments are chat rooms. Most of the sample used social media as a tool for organizing online classes. The vast majority of online teaching and learning activities are post-study exercises including post-study assignments 31.50 percent 2) The overall level of success in online learning management was high (mean = 3.95, SD = .661). 3) The relationship of the learning management model to the success factor in the learning management found that the success factor in the analytical online learning management, design and development, and assessment was a relationship with the tools used in the learning management system, social media tools, and learning activities that were significantly different at the .05 level.

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