The Competitive Advantage Strategy of Franchise Entrepreneurs in Nakhon Nayok

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Rinyapat Payutvorased


The objectives of this research were 1) to study strategies that affect the competitive advantage of franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok 2) to study the relationship between strategies that affect the building of franchisees' competitive advantages of franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok. This research was exploratory research from 398 franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a confidence value of .832 and data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-. test and plural regression analysis at a significance level of .05

The results showed that business operation strategies that affect the competitive advantage of franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok, all aspects were at a high level (mean 3.51). Competitive Advantage Strategic Elements had a statistically significant positive effect at the .05 level as follows: Technology management, marketing, human resource management, management purchasing and financial. When considered found that the use of technology in business operations was a key component in generating competitive advantage including marketing promotions that meet the needs of consumers, quality human resource management, management within the establishment in accordance with the nature of the business, efficient procurement and systematic financial management have resulted in franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok gaining a competitive advantage. As a result, franchise business operators in Nakhon Nayok can create competitive advantages.

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