Development of a solid waste management model in the community through environmental studies

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Thanyarat Tongkaew
Kanita Tungkananuruk
Thitima Rungratanaubon
Chalisa Veesommai Sillberg


Agriculture is the main occupation of the Sukhirin sub-district community, Sukhirin district, Narathiwat province. Consequently, there is a large amount of agricultural waste and solid waste, which causes environmental problems for air, water, soil, and sanitation of people in the community. Therefore, it is imperative to have proper waste management. The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between Types, occupations, and amount of waste generated in the community by using the Chi-square test and studying the appropriate format of the media for the community's solid waste management through the environmental education process. The study was conducted in the community area of the Sukhirin sub-district with 100 people using a convenient sampling method. The results of the study showed that agriculture significantly correlated with solid waste was an organic waste with the occupation of agriculture 85% generated organic waste 47% was agriculture. From the study of guidelines for organic waste management through environmental processes, it was found that the appropriate approach for management was to develop agricultural waste to develop into bio-fertilizer, compost from food waste, and pellet fertilizers. The broadcast in brochure format is 80% most appropriate when compared to the poster and video media. The brochures were able to convey knowledge in a concise and easy-to-understand manner at a high level (mean 4.01), which enabled the community to have a 50% better knowledge of solid waste management. In addition, it was found that all three forms of knowledge-based media contribute to participation in applying the knowledge gained in daily life until the knowledge gained can be transferred to another person

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