Lessons Learned on the Learning Process to Develop Desirable Moral Characteristics of Police Cadets: A Case Study of Police Cadets' Host Families

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Phattaraporn Chulapita
Ratchadaporn Ketanon Neawheangtham
Chaiyos Pawithasiritham


This research aimed to study guidelines to develop desirable characteristics of morality and ethics of police cadets participating in the academy’s community service for people in rural areas. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. In terms of quantitative research, data from 116 first-year police cadets were collected. as well as the data from key informants, namely host families, police cadets, and officials involved in the implementation of the program The research instruments were a questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, priority needs index, and content analysis. The results of the study were as follows: The results of needs assessment for desirable characteristics development of the morality and ethics of the police cadets in the whole of four areas: justice, responsibility, honesty, and sacrifice, suggested that current characteristics were at a high level (µ = 3.66) and desirable characteristics were at the highest level (µ = 4.81), and the priority needs index (PNIModified) was .31. Guidelines for developing a learning process to develop desirable characteristics of morality and ethics of police cadets is the development of learning processes to promote morality and ethics of police cadets participating in the academy’s community service for people in rural areas. The development of the learning process is divided into 3 areas: roles of the Royal Police Cadet Academy, roles of the host families, and roles of police cadets.

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