Healthy WorkPlace and Human Resource Management in Chandrakasem Rajabhat University

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Napasorn Charoenpo


  The purpose of this research was to study the factors of healthy organization related to working happiness of the personnel of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University. To propose to the executives to use as a benefit in improving the human resource management system for personnel to be happy in their work. The samples used in the research were administrators, faculty members, and staff. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire to assess readiness to lead the university to be a healthy organization. The statistics used to analyze the data are frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation.  Research results of health organization and human resource management leading to the healthy organization of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University Overall, all aspects were at a high level. Human Capital Development, Training, Welfare, Working Environment, Performance Management, Employee Relation, Compensation & Benefit, and  Viewpoint of Thinking will be the cause of making employees happy at work and the feeling to the university. Especially the most viewpoint that results in the employees being happy at work the most is the working atmosphere. The personnel are happy with their colleagues who help each other, have friendship and sincerity with each other. This makes the staff feel that the university is their second home in life.  The most feeling to the university is loyalty, love, and want to do the best work in return for the merit of the university. Exceptional for welfare, it appeared to be at a moderate level. When considering the particular details of welfare benefits in detail, it was found that the personnel's opinion was that the readiness was at the moderate level, the lowest level is basic welfare such as the convenience and speed of request for using a vehicle. And the arrangement of a standard canteen. In summary, the management should improve the welfare because it is an incentive motivation that can persuade personnel to join and also make more benefit to the university in the long term.

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