Social Intelligence and Prosocial Behavior of Students of Faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University

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ธีรพัฒน์ วงษ์คุ้มสิน


The objectives of this study were; 1) to study the level of social intelligence, and prosocial behavior of students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University, 2) to compare prosocially

the behavior of students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University by personal factors, and 3) to study relationships between social intelligence and prosocial behavior of students of faculty

of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University. The samples of this study were 616 students of the faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University. The results of this study indicated that 1) social intelligence and prosocial behavior of students

of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University were at rather high levels, 2) students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University who had various in gender and department had a difference

prosocial behavior with the statistical significant at .01and.05 levels respectively, and students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University who had various academic levels, GPA, programs, income, activity participation, and birth order have not to difference prosocial behavior, 3) social

intelligence was positively correlated with prosocial behavior with the statistical signifcant at .001 level.

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