The Development and the Promotion of Chiangrai Tourism to Become a Secondary City Destination

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Manasin Sonthanong
Chawalee Na Thalang
Seri Wongmonta


This research article have a purpose 1. To study the tourism resources of Chiang Rai 2. To find a way to use the tourism resources of Chiang Rai in the development of various types of tourism in Chiang Rai. 3. To create guidelines for the development of elements of tourism in Chiang Rai Qualitative research was conducted in-depth interviews with 24 key informants involved in Chiang Rai tourism. It consists of government personnel in both the central and provincial governments, the private sector, both the Chamber of Commerce and entrepreneurs. Community and academic sectors in Chiang Rai Province It was found that Chiang Rai Province is a province that has potential to be a secondary city that is a target tourism city. Chiang Rai is a border city with easy borders with Laos, China and Burma. It is a city that has been declared a special economic zone. It is a city with a variety of tourism resources that can develop many types of tourism. There are two national artists of fine arts in Chiang Rai and there are artists who create works of art for tourists to appreciate the fine arts and architecture of various temples, especially Wat Rong Khun. For the components of tourism development. Chiang Rai is ready in almost every way except for the mass transit services that serve tourists to travel to see the attractions of Chiang Rai. As for tourism promotion, there are still many things that need to be improved especially. Marketing communications in Chiang Rai's branding and products/services will require a campaign to get more communities involved and develop them into Chiang Rai's ambassadors to help promote Chiang Rai and behave as a Great hosts to welcome tourists.

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