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กรุณา นนทรักส์
Worrakul Nontharux


The objectives of this research were to: (1) study the effects of Gymnaestradance training on physical fitness of Chan Hun Bumpen school students; (2) compare the effects of Gymnaestradance training on physical fitness of Chan Hun Bumpen school students in two aspects: (2.1) between before and after training and (2.2) between male and female students. Samples, by using drawing lots simple random sampling method, were 62 Chan Hun Bumpen school students, 31 males and 31 females in each group. Research instruments are composed of 8 test items of the International Committee for the Standardization of Physical Fitness Test-ICSPFT, Gymnaestradance training program, and Physical Fitness test recording form. The data were, then, analyzed by computer program for statistical analysis in terms of means, standard deviations, and converting raw scores to T-score. The paired samples t-test and independent t-test were also employed to test the statistical significance of means at the .05 level.

The results were as follows: (1) Gymnaestradance training effects make Chan Hun Bampen school students do better physical fitness scores in all test items. (2) Comparison of the Gymnaestradance training effects, between before and after training and between male and female students, have statistically significant difference at the level of .05.

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