Comparison of educational achievement of high school students
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Research study on Comparison of students' educational achievement in primary school with purpose To compare the students' educational achievements Thai language course for elementary school students is a qualitative research. A sample group of 20 students in grade 1, the second semester of the academic year 2021. 20 people with academic achievement problems The tools used in the research were 1. Lessons on reading skills. 2. Educational achievement test 3. Worksheet exercises The data were analyzed using statistical mean (X), standard deviation (S.D.), mean comparison using t-test dependent, innovation efficiency (E1/E2), confidence determination (KR20), difficulty value (p. ) Distinguishing power (r) Determination of the Interrogative Correspondence Index (IOC).
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The results of finding the effectiveness of reading lessons The efficiency E1/E2 was 81.16/83.50, which was the efficiency according to the specified criteria was 80/80. After studying by comparing the criteria, it was found that the student's scores after studying compared to the criteria were higher than before.
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