The Model of Ability Enhancement for the Elderly Using Communication Technology in New Normal Era.
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The purposes of this research were to study 1) the level of the elderly’s ability to use communication technology, 2) the factors affecting the ability of the elderly to use communication technology, and 3) develop a model to increase the ability of the elderly to use communication technology in the new normal era. The sample of quantitative research was 410 elderly people aged 60 years and over in 10 districts with a large number of elderly people such as Samphanthawong, Pom Prap Sattru Phai, Bang Rak, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok Noi, Klong Sam Wa, Nong Chok, Lat Krabang, Min Buri, and Bang Khun Thian. Collecting data with questionnaires, and analyzing the statistical data using the structural equation modeling techniques. In the qualitative research, 15 key informants were executives involved in elderly care in 10 districts of Bangkok. The data was collected through in-depth interviews and content analysis. The results of this research found; 1) the ability to use communication technology, social network, and financial management was moderate, and the attitudes and perceptions were at a high level. 2) social networks, attitudes, perceptions, and financial management positively influence the ability to use communication technology statistically significant at the .01 level. 3) Develop a model to increase the ability of the elderly to use communication technology in the new normal era as the government should promote learning to use simple technology, install a high-performance internet signal to cover all areas, the authorities training should be provided to educate the elderly to be able to use communication technology, encouraging children to educate the elderly on how to use communication technology.
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