The Use of Corrective Feedback Technique to Promote Prathom 5 Students’ Disciplines in Submitting Arts Assignments in Mahachai Christian Wittaya School

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Suchada Sariman
Arthit Intakaew


Giving an assignment to primary students in the arts course is necessary as it is the way to promote them to practice and do it by themselves at home. It also needs time and an imagination of students to produce their masterpiece apart from an in-class activity. However, it was found that primary students lacked of any responsibilities of submitting the arts assignments. This experimental research aimed to compare Prathom 5 students’ disciplines in submitting Arts assignments in Mahachai Christian Wittaya School before and after the use of corrective feedback. Samples were 24 students in grade 11 being selected by the use by the purposive selection technique. Research instruments were an assignment form, the scoring form of assignment, the learning log, and an interview form. The data were collected in the 2nd semester of 2021 academic year. Frequency, mean, percentage, and t-test for dependent samples were used to analyze quantitative data. A content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The result revealed that students who got the corrective feedback submitted more Arts assignments at .05 significant level. The finding, as the new knowledge of this study proved that the corrective feedback was effective to promote students’ submission of assignments.  

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Research Articles


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