The Guideline for Self - Directed Learning to enable local vendors to communicate with foreign tourists at Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market, Taling Chan District, Bangkok

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Pawanrat Nikornkittikosol


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the English communication problems of local vendors at Khlong Lat  Mayom Floating Market , 2) to explore the needs of local vendors for English Development , and 3) to study the guideline for Self- Directed Learning for Tourism English Communication of local vendors at Khlong Lat Mayom  Floating Market. A total of  60 samples of this research were used by purposive sampling, especially for local vendors who had experience in trading with foreign tourists for at least 1 year. The sample consisted of 8 groups; food, fresh fruits and vegetables, Thai desserts, beverages, clothes, toys, home and garden decorations and miscellaneous goods. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that 1) The problems in English communication were  Lack of language skills, Lack of  continuity in learning, Lack of confidence in speaking, and Age and memory limitation, respectively. 2. The respondents wanted to improved their English listening and speaking skills for communication with foreign tourists at a high level and need to develop reading and writing skills at a moderated level.  The respondents mainly needed vocabulary related to their occupational groups.  The desired topic is product name/food name, asking for customer needs, telling the benefits of the products, telling prices and changing money and suggesting routes/tourist attractions. 3) The most wanted respondents were The use of a picture- book contained of illustrations and its vocabulary and dialogue, a personal diary, an individual learning project and audio tapes or CDs/DVDs to practice self-speaking, respectively.

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