Labor market demand and desirable qualifications for a master's degree Master of Education Program Department of Special Education in Bangkok

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Roengron Lormlai


This research article have a purpose to study the needs of the labor market Factors Affecting Study Requirements and desirable qualifications for a master's degree Master's Program Department of Special Education according to the perspective of the labor market in Bangkok This research is a survey research. sample school administrators only with disabilities co-educational school administrators Special Education Center Executive in Bangkok selected by purposive sampling and students from the Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University Learn a special education process for teachers. randomly select a sample The sample group was 178 people. Labor market demand questionnaire Factors affecting demand and examinations regarding desirable graduate qualifications. The questionnaire was checked by experts. To find the content validity (content validity) equal to 1.00 and alpha coefficient. (Alpha-Coefficient) =.9641 Data analysis By finding percentages, finding the mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD), the research results found that 1) the labor market in Bangkok, 94.38 percent, has a desire to study a master's degree program. Special education field 2) Factors affecting the need for education Master's degree program Special education field of the labor market In Bangkok At a high level in all aspects. 3. Desired Qualifications for a Master's Degree Master's degree program Special education field From the perspective of the labor market In Bangkok is at a high level in every aspect, with emphasis on Intellectual skills First, followed by morality and ethics, knowledge, numerical analysis skills, communication, and use of technology. From the knowledge gained from this research it is beneficial. for curriculum development To be in line with the essential needs of the labor market.

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