Service development of Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province

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Saksit Supcharornkul
chalermporn yenyuak


The objective of this study were to 1) study the level of service of Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality 2) study the problem of service of Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality and 3) gather the recommendations concerning development for service quality of Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Pathumthani province. The research employed mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative methods, Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 400 respondents. In-depth interviews with ten key informants divided into three municipality officers and seven service receivers were also conducted to obtain more data. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, means, and standard deviation. The results revealed that the service level was high. The highest mean was displayed by Service officers, followed by Service procedure, and the lowest mean was displayed by Place. In terms of problems in providing services, the municipality had problems as follows: insufficiency of car park space (Place); the unavailability of computers for those receiving services (Equipment and facilities); insufficiency of service officers (Service officers), and  no service procedures shown to service receivers. The research recommended that the municipality should have space for children accompanying service receivers; there should be sufficient IT facilities needed by service receivers, such as Line, email, for sending and receiving documents conveniently; public participation in the operation of the municipality should be promoted; and service receivers should have a chance to provide their feedbacks about the municipality services for increase the level of quality service in the further.

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