Development of Success of Health Food Manufacturers Business

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Wasana Intasang
Suramon Chancharoen


Developing and promoting factories producing health supplements in the country to have higher potential. Being able to support the production of all types of products will help make Thailand a production base for products in the ASEAN region. This will affect driving the economic growth of Thailand. This research aims to create guidelines for developing the success of health food supplement manufacturers business. use questionnaire with representatives of health supplement manufacturers consisting of company executive director managers and deputy managers totaling 420 people. Collecting data by interviewing 15 experts. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. and techniques for analyzing structural equation models. and content analysis techniques. The results showed that. 1) The success of the health food supplement producer business, and the quality of life of employees, had the highest average 2) Factors affecting the success of health food supplement producers, namely, organizational management, employee quality of life, employees' commitment to work, organizational environment, had an overall influence value were statistically significant at the .05 level. 3)Guidelines for developing the success of a health food supplement producer business Should focus on the development of the management system. environment arrangement and stimulating the creative potential of employees. The new findings from this research are: Focusing on developing innovator skills for personnel in health supplement manufacturing companies. With incentives through the management system Creating a proactive environment to stimulate employees' potential. The conclusion of this research is to develop the success of the business of producing health supplements. Emphasis must be placed on developing the potential of technical personnel in the production department with an effective management system. and setting up an appropriate working atmosphere.

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