Efficiency Improvement Guideline of Professional Military of Commissioned Officers

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Surachate Tongsaluay
Suramon Chancharoen


Professional soldiers are essential to national security as defenders of national sovereignty. It also affects the political stability in the country as well.  The purpose of this research was to study 1) the level of, the military education system, the social transmission of professional soldiers, the democratic behavior of soldiers, and commitment to the profession and the professional military of commissioned officers 2) the factors influencing, being a professional military of commissioned officers and 3) development the ways to increase efficiency, professional military of commissioned officers. A mixed methods research method was used. Quantitative data was also collected. Questionnaire using a 5-level estimation scale with commissioned officers in the commissioned military. From 10 educational institutions, 380 people. Qualitative data was collected by interviewing 21 experts. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. and structural equation modeling analysis techniques. and content analysis techniques. The research results found that. 1) Education system for commissioned soldiers Democratic behavior of soldiers Social transmission of professional military service Professional military status of commissioned officers and commitment to the profession The average values were 3.37, 3.12, 3.11, 3.02, and 3.00, respectively. 2) Factors affecting the professional military status of commissioned officers were the social transmission of being a professional soldier. Democratic behavior of soldiers Adherence to the military profession Education system for commissioned soldiers The overall influence was .81, .77, .73 and .80 with statistical significance at the .05 level. And 3) Guidelines for increasing the efficiency of professional military service for commissioned officers include development through the education system. Social transmission from role models in the workplace and allowing society to participate in inspecting operations and giving suggestions.

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