Problem in Administration of child Development Centers Under The Administrative Organization Sub-District, Singburi Province

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Kanchana Phitpaew
Waraporn Subruangthong
Mayuree Rattanasermphong


The purpose of this research is to study problems and solutions for managing child development centers. Under the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Singburi Province
The sample group included personnel of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization.
Singburi Province from a purposive random sampling of 132 people and 297 parents, the research instrument was a questionnaire. Statistics used in the research included frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results found that in the opinion of personnel of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization at the level of problems in
the management of child development centers under the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Singburi Province is at a low level when considering each aspect, including academic problems and curricular activities. Management problems and personnel problems encountered most in
the comments section of parents Problems in the management of child development centers under the administrative organization subdistrict, SingBuri Province at the least level when considering each aspect, including academic problems and curricular activities. Management problems and encountered the most personnel problems and guidelines for solving problems,
it was found that the management aspect should request budget allocation for management.
In terms of personnel, teachers should be increased and have the appropriate qualifications for the position. In terms of buildings, locations, environment and safety of the child development center. The Child Development Center building should be renovated and moved to a community area.  Academics and activities according to the curriculum teachers should be developed in terms of teaching curriculum to develop children. Participation from all sectors you should publicize activities to parents and create activities for children. Promoting networks for early childhood development should request promotion and support from other sectors related.

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Research Articles


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