The quality of the service according to the opinions of the public in Tha Sala Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Lop Buri Province

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Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak
Preeyagarn Jaisaard


The objective of this research was, to study the quality of service at the municipal level in Tha Sala Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lopburi Province, categorized by service functions, using quantitative research methods. In this study, the researchers used a sample size of 500 individuals who are service users of the municipal services in Tha Sala Subdistrict. The research tools used include questionnaires, and the statistics used include means and standard deviations. The research founded that: The overall quality of service at the municipal level in Tha Sala Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lopburi Province, is rated as very high. When considering different service functions, they are ranked in descending order of average scores as follows: cleanliness and sanitation services, public electricity services, child development services to meet standards, public disaster prevention and relief services, and services for improving and reducing the time frame for providing services to the public. The overall quality of service at the municipal level in Tha Sala Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lopburi Province, is rated as very high. When considering specific aspects, they are ranked in descending order of average scores as follows: service personnel, service process and procedure, convenience facilities, and service channels and communication, the service quality of Tha Sala Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Lopburi Province, efficient from the average of the satisfaction of service recipients,  should strengthen the strengths and increase personnel efficiency to be consistent with social conditions in the 21st century.

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