Strategic Leadership of School Administrators Affecting a high-performance organization of educational institutions under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area in Nakhon Sawan

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waraporn subruangthong
Satorn Subruangthong


This research aims to study the components, to propose and to evaluate the model for the High Performance Organization Management of the secondary schools under the office of service area in Nakhon Sawan. To conduct the study, 9 experts were interviewed, 340 of school administrators and teachers were answered questionnaire, and there was also a seminar with 7 experts. The draft of a model was evaluated by 5 experts. The data were analyzed using a frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis and content analysis. The results suggested that, there were seven components of the High Performance Organization Management which were: 1) leadership  2) defining vision and stategy 3) knowledge management 4) process management and resouse 5) workforce development 6) focus on stakeholder 7) focus on performance. For the model of the High Performance Organization Management, there were five parts which were: part 1 principles, concepts and objectives part 2 high performance organization management part 3 guidelines for implementation part 4 evaluation and part 5 conditions. The proposed model of the High Performance Organization Management was regarded at the highest level for its suitability and possibility to be implemented in the schools.

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Research Articles


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