Application of artificial intelligence in financial management in Thailand

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Somya Indhrakaset
Nattachai Nimnual
Wanmarka Gasondokmai


This research article has the objective To study the application of Artificial Intelligence in smart city local administration. The study was used by qualitative research by reviewing the literature. From articles published in the database There were interviews with those involved. There is 1 executive and 4 Officer. ) private corporations and technology entrepreneurs, a total of 15 people. The research results found that local government organizations are continuously adapting and developing. along with having to change the way of thinking to be people-centered and the way of working To objective to be a modern organization that works proactively, integrated, agile, fast, and highly efficient. Applying an electronic document system can save time in receiving and delivering documents. This eliminates the need to keep paper documents and put them in a file. No need to store in a cabinet. Application of participatory Artificial Intelligence systems to the public sector You can receive news about Local government organizations work, report safety incidents, make complaints, and present problems. Sharing area Asking for help. Image of Artificial Intelligence used in smart cities A case study of keyword research using and combining keywords such as Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Smart Healthcare, Smart City/Smart Cities, Smart Education, Smart Infrastructure, Smart Living, Smart Security and Smart. Good governance Adoption of artificial intelligence in smart cities. The study draws implications to offer to startups in the local district.

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