Providing public services of a special local government Organization in Pattaya City according to the principles of good governance

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Sasiorn Into
Thawal Ruyaporn
Panumas Kudngaongarm
Roongrattana Jaroenjitt


This research aims to propose the guidelines of Providing public services of a special local government organization in Pattaya City according to the principles of good governance. This is qualitative research, using interviews with expert-reviewed as a tools. The key informants are Pattaya City administrators, community leaders 1 person and workers involved 2 person the provision of public services of a special local government organization in Pattaya City  4 person The results of the data were synthesized and analyzed to present descriptive results.        It was found that the special local government organization of Pattaya City is considered to be the agency closest to the people. The provision of public services must be carried out to benefit the public at large. can meet local needs Equality Continuity and transparency in providing services. Guidelines for creating public services of a special form of local government organization in Pattaya City according to the principles of appropriate good governance include:   1) Improving the law of a special form of local government organization. 2) Professional waste management in Pattaya City 3) Improve local laws that clearly define authority and duties. 4) Improve laws regarding personnel administration to sure independence in local government. 5) Development of Pattaya's elderly has been done in a full-scale interaction in creating activities that are mutually beneficial. 6) Taking care of service center buildings in Pattaya City by law.

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