Research Synthesis: Criminology and law enforcement

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Pol.Col. Kraiwoot Watanasin
Capt. Sutham Cheurprakobkit


This research article is a synthesis of research from research studies conducted in Thailand related to criminology. And law enforcement by publishing and published in academic journals that are in the national academic journal database. and international level between 2007-2021 The criteria for searching are based on keywords in the academic field, criminology, and law enforcement. with the objective 1) to analyze and synthesize research studies in the field of criminology. and law enforcement Use research methods including the results of the research elements of crime and law enforcement 1) 102 cases of victims and 70 victims of crimes, 1,089 cases of perpetrators, and by searching from key word terms according to topics regularly determined by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). In 2022, it was found that topics missing from research in Thailand published in academic journals include: 1) Topics related to Theories of Crime and Criminality, which are topics of interest in testing. and develop theories that explain the causes and factors related to crime. and illegal behavior Correlates of Crime and Victimization This is a topic of interest in the relationship between crimes. and being a victim of crime Findings on the use of research results for policy purposes in drafting various laws that require measures to be used show that there must always be research work to support them. Requesting budgets for agencies involved in law enforcement A research model must be used to evaluate implementation results. Dissemination of research is in accordance with the criteria of the Office of the Higher Education Commission. and is an indicator of teachers' workload standards according to their academic work.

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Translates in Thai Reference

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